How to vote for AAUP Council
The AAUP National Council election, via weighted, credentialed, delegated in-person voting, will be held on Friday, June 14, from 2 PM to 5 PM and on Saturday, June 15, from 9 AM to 5 PM, at the DoubleTree Crystal City, 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, Virginia, 22202, per the AAUP National website.
“Weighted, credentialed, delegated in-person voting” here means that each AAUP Chapter votes its membership strength, must send a delegate to the meeting at the DoubleTree, must register and receive their credentials.
To further unpack these terms:
For a chapter with 236 dues-paying members, a credentialed delegate casts a ballot worth 236 votes.
A delegate must register online to be a delegate for their given chapter by May 15th. Your chapter president’s email account (or last president if there has been a leadership turnover) should have the instructions for registering as a delegate for your chapter.
After registering, you must visit the Credential Check-In Desk in the hotel lobby by Friday, June 14th at 11 AM to be eligible to vote in Plenary Session I (2 PM to 5 PM).
In order to vote in Plenary Sessions II and III (Saturday, June 15th from 9 AM to 12 PM and 2 PM to 5 PM, respectively), you must be credentialed by Friday, June 14th at 5 PM.